Paragraph Count:


Sentence Count:


Word Count:


Character Count:


Character Count (with spaces):


Sentence counter is an online tool that lets you easily count the number of sentence in your text.



Not only sentence this tool also show word count, paragrah count and character count. The best feature of sentence counter tool is it works locally so all data is safe and secure.

This tool is useful for writers, students, and professionals who need to track the number of sentences in their writing, either for personal reference or as a requirement of a specific project. 


  • Batch processing: Ability to count sentences in multiple texts at once
  • Accurate counting: Ability to accurately distinguish between sentences and other forms of punctuation
  • Real-time updates: Immediate updates to the sentence count as you type
  • Customizable settings: Ability to modify the counting rules to suit specific needs
  • User-friendly interface: Intuitive and user-friendly interface that is easy to use for users of all skill levels

Sentence counter generator tools are typically available online and can be used for free. Some tools may also be available as browser extensions, allowing you to count sentences from within your web browser. Whether you're a professional writer, student, or just someone who wants to track your writing progress, a sentence counter generator tool can be a useful tool for you.