  • For Upload:
    1. Only .zip file allowed.
    2. Structure:
      • .html Files(index.html Required)
      • CSS Folder(Optional)
      • JS Folder(Optional)
      • IMG Folder(Optional)
    3. Note:Do not cover these files with any folder and then convert them to .zip

  • WordPress Default Functions:

    • Description For Use File
      Define Post Title the_title() <blogtitle></blogtitle> --
      Define post Content the_content() <blogcontent></blogcontent> --
      Get Search Form From Template get_search_form() <search></search> searchform.php
      Get Footer from Template And save in footer.php get_footer() <footer-part></footer-part> footer.php
      Get Header from Template And save in header.php get_header() <header-part></header-part> header.php
      Get Sidebar from Template And save in sidebar.php get_sidebar() <sidebar></sidebar> sidebar.php
      Get Head Part from Template wp_head() <head></head> --
      Get Page Title From Template bloginfo('name') <title></title> --
      Print Wordpress Post If ih Has Any if (have_posts()) :
      while (have_posts()) : the_post();
      endwhile; endif;
      <blog></blog> (Use this code only in index.php)

    • For example code <header-part></header-part> saved in header.php file and can be called through the get_header () function.

      If you Add <blog></blog> tag header.php it di

  • All .html file will be converted to template- {name} .php file
    Heads, menus, widget functions are placed in function.php file

  • You can simply create an option field in WordPress using <setting></setting> and add the input field you want to add and it is shown on the theme options page in the theme menu.

    Add the following data to the attribute you want to add

    • Name : Name of option
    • value : Value of option
    • type: Input field type to create on themes option page
    • Info : Description of the field. It is displayed at bellow the field. (Optional)
    • Param : Option for selection, additional option like radio field
    • Note : Separate each param by a comma (,)

      input field Type Param
      password password ---
      text text ---
      email email ---
      color color ---
      date date ---
      montd montd ---
      number number ---
      range range 3 req => 1st:min , 2nd :max, 3rd: step
      search search ---
      tel tel ---
      time time ---
      url url ---
      week week ---
      textarea textarea ---
      select select options you want to add to select field
      datalist datalist options you want to add to datalist field
      radio radio radio button value you want to add
      checkbox checkbox select button value you want to add

    • html

    • wordpress code

    • wordpress output

    • Example: <setting name="default_font_color" value="#000000" type="color" info="wordpress's default font color"></setting>
      And it will appear on the theme options page in the theme menu
      You can use this option field in your theme using get_option('default_font_color')

    • Example:
      Html : <setting name="screen_loading_time" value="1" type="range" info="wordpress's default time for loading site" param="0,5,0.5"></setting>
      Wordpress : get_option('screen_loading_time')

  • You can also add the do_action()function to your theme file to add action to your theme.
    For that you have to add the doaction attribute to any tag and pass the action to that attribute in your theme file.
    html code : <div doaction="get_header"></div>
    wp code : do_action('get_header');

  • You can also include the apply_filter() function in your theme file to change and retrieve WordPress value in your theme.
    All you need to do is add a dofilter attribute to any tag and pass the action to that attribute in your theme file.
    You have to pass two more values ​​in the same tag.
    • var : The variable name in which you want to save the value to your theme file.
    • dovalue : The callback code you want to apply to your theme file.
    html code : <div dofilter="wp_title" dovalue="our_site" var="page_title"></div>
    wp code : $page_title = apply_filter('wp_title' , 'our_site'); // wp_title will be updated and the value of $ page_title will be our_site

  • Add a name tag to your theme file and add a name between tags to name your theme.
    Example: <name>My Theme</name>

    Note: If the converter does not find the name tag, it takes the uploaded zip filename as the theme name

  • To add a logo to a WordPress setting // get_option('theme_logourl') add "wp_logo" Class to logo img tag.
    Example: <img class="wp_logo" src="http://www.example.com/logo.png">

  • Use menu tags to create menus (<menu></menu>) in addition you can add 'class', 'id', 'depth', 'link_before', 'link_after', 'menu', 'container', 'container_id', 'container_class', 'before', 'after', 'items_wrap', 'item_spacing'Feature in menu tags.
    These attributes work similar to their names

Convert HTML To WordPress theme. Simply upload your HTML ZIP and download your WordPress theme. Test it for free now.

The HTML to WordPress Theme Generator is a tool that allows users to convert HTML templates into functional WordPress themes. This tool is designed to help developers and non-developers alike to create custom WordPress themes with ease. With this tool, users can take any HTML template and convert it into a fully functional WordPress theme that can be used on any website powered by WordPress.

Some of the key features of the HTML to WordPress Theme Generator include:

  1. HTML to WordPress Conversion: The tool allows users to convert HTML templates into WordPress themes with just a few clicks. This process is streamlined and automated, making it quick and easy for users to create custom WordPress themes.
  2. Customization Options: The tool offers various customization options to help users create themes that fit their specific needs. Users can add their own logo, change colors, and add custom code to create a theme that is tailored to their website.
  3. Responsive Design: The generated WordPress themes are responsive, meaning they will adjust to any screen size and look great on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.
  4. Easy to Use: The HTML to WordPress Theme Generator is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use. The tool features a clean and intuitive user interface that allows users to quickly and easily convert HTML templates into functional WordPress themes without the need for any specialized knowledge or technical skills.